Seedlings & Flowers

< 1 Year
In the Seedlings & Flowers class (4 months to +- 12 months) , we aim to provide a loving, safe and nurturing environment.

We will spend time with your little one doing age-appropriate activities to encourage their curiosity. We support their social and emotional development through positive guidance and interactions. Our day consists of music, sensory and tactile activities, routines, language development, and storytelling.

If you’re ready for more info, we’d love for you to come visit us!


This is rough idea of our day, it does differ depending on our age group and nap times, bottle etc. On Fridays we do a sensory activity.

Arrival and breakfast time

7:00 – 8:00
Morning meeting is a time to greet everyone and start our day.

Worship, Music and Movement

8:00 – 9:00

Worship and a variety of developmentally appropriate activities that encourage learning in all areas of development, as well as a teacher facilitated activity.

Fine Motor and Crafts

9:00 – 10:00
Children participate in active, educational craft making in a teacher facilitated activity.

Snack and outside playtime (Gross motor)

10:00 – 11:00

Our school has a peanut free policy. Children begin snack (sandwich, fruit and water) with hand washing and participate in serving and clean-up.

Nap and rest time

11:00 – 12.30
Supervised rest time to give children a chance to physically rest and emotionally unwind, and to stay healthy and alert during the afternoon.

Free play

1:30 –2:30
Our free play consists of building blocks, toys that makes sounds, dancing, reading books etc.

Indoor play and story time

12:45 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Children participate in active play and reading outdoors or indoors in poor weather.

Free play

4.30 – 5.30

Our free play consists of building blocks, toys that makes sounds, dancing, reading books etc.


Yes, you will need to send breakfast, snack and lunch, bottles, and formula with your baby when they start.
A cot sheet will be provided by the school which will be washed weekly, you will need to provide a blanket for your child which will be sent home weekly to be washed.

All the babies have their own cot and we follow the routine that you have at home and we try and follow that as much as possible to make your baby feel comfortable and happy. 

Safety is our number one priority. When enrolling your child, you will be required to fill in details of who will be allowed to fetch your child. If alternate fetching arrangements are necessary, you will need inform the school. 

We follow the child’s usual routine at home unless otherwise instructed by the parents. This can be discussed in person when at school.