Grade 00

4 – 5 Years
In Grade 00 we are focused on developing each child emotionally, socially, academically and spiritually. We do creative activities which help develop their fine motor skills. Outdoor play to develop gross motor skills is important in this class.
Educational and perceptual activities will form part of their weekly program. Numeracy skills are taught where they learn to count, identify numbers and also organize objects according to size, shape and colour. The language area includes descriptive language, vocabulary enrichment and Letterland (phonics).
If you’re ready for more info, we’d love for you to come visit us!

What will my child learn this year?

A child’s development is a joyous journey of discovery, adventures, trials and errors, until one day skill for skill it all comes together. Through discovery, experience and play we assist the children grow, learn and develop. We journey with your child where skills are developed, knowledge is discovered and thousands of experiences are enjoyed along the way. We want to help shape your child’s body, heart and mind with care and thoughtfulness.

Daily Schedule

07:45 – 08:25 Morning arrival and activity
08:25 – 08:55 Greeting/ Register/ Bible/ Prayer/ Music
08:55 – 09:10Break
09:10 – 09:30Gross Motor Activities Outside
09:30 – 09:50Numeracy Activities
10:00 – 11:00Break
11:05 – 11:20Theme discussion
11:20 – 11:40Literacy Activities
11:40 – 12:05Art activities
12:05 – 12:20Story & Lunchboxes


A healthy lunch that is nut free. Food that can be eaten as is and does not need to be heated up. A water bottle with water.
We like to make a fuss of each child when it is their birthday. If you would like to send a treat or cupcake for each child in the class. At the end of the day we will celebrate your child’s birthday and we will do a birthday ring which you are invited to attend. We will sing happy birthday and give your child a crown to wear.
This is something that each parent must apply to their child before they arrive at school.
We order a hat for each child with their name and class and they will wear this hat when they are outside. The hat does not go home, it stays at school and is washed regularly and kept in your child’s locker when they are not wearing it.
We give the children whole wheat sandwiches at snack time as well as fruit (eg apples/oranges) or vegetables (eg cucumber).
Toys may not be brought to School, the only exception is if it is for Show and Tell or Letter of the week.
Class time finishes at 12.30pm, if your child is not collected by 12.45pm they will be signed into aftercare.
A teacher will attend to your child’s injuries and communicate with you what happened either via whatsapp or email. If it is a serious injury you will receive a call from the school immediately.